Seminars and Orientation Workshops


Starting with the Inaugural Workshop held on 8 July 2018 on ‘Career opportunities for a life of honour’ to motivate and introduce students to career opportunities available for them in the defence & paramilitary Services, a number of workshops have been held in colleges, universities and NCC Camps. With Information, Inspiration & Interactive Sessions, the aim is to motivate students to strive towards careers to serve the nation. Expert led sessions also familiarize students with the selection process through UPSC examinations and SSB interviews. Workshops are aimed at students from classes 10 to 12/ Pre-university, as well as those pursuing an Undergraduate Degree.

Despite the Covid pandemic, it was an honour for MAGMT to be invited by prestigious Universities like IIT Kanpur, Jain University, Acharya Institute of Technology and KLE-Technological University. We thank the organisers for the opportunity to interact with and motivate some of the brightest young minds to put country first.

Resource Team for every workshop includes Veterans and Serving Officers who take the expert sessions, experienced panelists for Q & A session, along with volunteers to help with logistics. MAGMT is grateful to all for their time and efforts.



A Life of Honour: Careers in Service of the Nation
Feedback received from student participants:


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